The Western Buddhist Monastic Gathering
ONLINE gathering (due to COVID-19)
October 19 to 23, 2020
Registered WBMG 2020 attendees' private area of website open now with the password sent in your welcome email.
Theme: Wisdom for the future ~
Transforming challenges with joy and courage ~
Sangha as a guide ~
Carrying the light forward...
PLEASE READ: Registration numbers have just reached 60 within the two weeks before the gathering. Please fill out the registration form and we will see if we can accommodate more monastics to attend. Otherwise, if there are any cancelations, we would add from those on the waitlist. We will let you know as soon as we can if there is space for you to attend this years gathering.
To register for the 2020 Gathering please fill out the registration form here.
For any other questions, please write to us at <>
or see Contact Page.

Who is welcome to attend?
You are - if you are culturally Western and have gone forth into a celibate Buddhist order at least to novice level. We do not discriminate on the basis of any personal characteristics such as your age, gender, race, ethnicity, Buddhist school, past participation in WBMG's, or whether you have gained higher ordination.
In other words, if you are a Western monastic - newly ordained or a great elder, male or female, young or old, from any tradition of Buddhism - and if you have remained a celibate monastic from your going-forth, then you are welcome. If you are not a Westerner by birth but speak English well, and you understand Western culture or have made the West your home, then you too are welcome.
Please only register if you definitely plan to attend. Don't register just in case you might attend. Thanks.
More info about WBMG
In this forum members of all Buddhist traditions come together as family, truly heirs of the Buddha's teaching, finding mutual warmth, profound kindness and compassionate understanding. Many or few years as a monastic, any gender, are all welcome alike. There will be times of formal presentation, times for informal discussion, and times of practice together. Together we look into the unique and fundamental issues that shape our lives as Buddhist monastics in the West.
We look forward to seeing you soon!